
The figurative art style is characterised by depicting objects, people or subjects in a recognisable and realistic manner. Unlike abstract art, which focuses on non-representational shapes and colours, figurative art strives to capture the appearance and form of objects accurately. Here are some key characteristics of figurative art:
Realistic representation: In figurative art, artists strive to depict objects and subjects in a recognisable and realistic manner. This involves attention to detail and careful observation of form, texture and light.
Recognisable subject: In figurative art, the subject of the work is clearly recognisable. This can be portraits, landscapes, everyday objects or anything that can be easily identified.
Focus on the human figure: Many figurative artists focus on depicting the human figure and the human body. This may manifest itself in portraits, sculptures or paintings that depict people realistically.
Varied technique: Figurative artists may use a variety of artistic techniques, such as oil painting, watercolour, pencil drawing, sculpture, among others, to achieve their realistic representation.
Personal interpretation: Despite realistic representation, figurative artists often add their personal interpretation to their works. This may include the choice of colours, composition and artistic expression.
Historical evolution: Figurative art has existed throughout art history and has evolved over time. From prehistoric cave paintings to the works of Renaissance masters such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, figurative art has played an important role in artistic expression throughout history.
Diversity of styles: Within figurative art, there is a great diversity of styles and approaches, from hyperrealism, which seeks an extremely detailed and precise representation, to figurative expressionism, which focuses on conveying emotions through the human figure or other subjects.
In short, figurative art is characterised by depicting objects and subjects in a recognisable and realistic manner, but offers a wide range of possibilities for artistic expression and personal interpretation. It is an artistic style that has endured throughout history and is still appreciated today.
Teguise-Lanzarote- Las Palmas
Showing 1–120 of 216 results
En Mis Brazos
267,50€ 15.76 X 11.82 inch - BUY
214,00€ 23.64 X 31.52 inch - BUY
Al Desnudo Dos
203,30€ 15.76 X 11.82 inch - BUY
Ellas y Paloma
1.605,00€ 39.4 X 39.4 inch - BUY
160,50€ 15.76 X 19.7 inch - BUY
374,50€ 23.64 X 31.52 inch - BUY
2.675,00€ 35.46 X 35.46 inch - BUY
2.675,00€ 35.46 X 35.46 inch - BUY
2.675,00€ 35.46 X 35.46 inch - BUY
2.140,00€ 39.4 X 47.28 inch - BUY
749,00€ 12.61 X 16.15 inch - BUY
856,00€ 23.25 X 16.55 inch - BUY
Fashion Girl
1.177,00€ 19.7 X 19.7 inch - BUY
1.926,00€ 23.64 X 31.52 inch - BUY
Ojos Azules
1.605,00€ 23.64 X 19.7 inch - BUY
Mujer sensual
2.140,00€ 23.64 X 35.46 inch - BUY
Mujer soñadora
1.605,00€ 23.64 X 23.64 inch - BUY
1.605,00€ 23.64 X 23.64 inch - BUY
Pelo al viento
1.926,00€ 31.52 X 23.64 inch - BUY
La Mirada
1.926,00€ 31.52 X 23.64 inch - BUY
Serie Anatomía de una playa I
133,75€ 7.88 X 7.88 inch - BUY
Serie Anatomía de una playa II
133,75€ 7.88 X 7.88 inch - BUY
Serie Anatomía de una playa III
133,75€ 7.88 X 7.88 inch - BUY
909,50€ 20.88 X 20.88 inch - BUY
Mis manos en tus Manos
428,00€ 11.82 X 9.46 inch - BUY
2.247,00€ 23.64 X 19.7 inch - BUY
Dulce africana
1.926,00€ 31.52 X 23.64 inch - BUY
Jazz Manía
856,00€ 33.88 X 26 inch - BUY
Consensual Napping and Sitting
6.955,00€ 39.4 X 39.4 inch - BUY
Violin, Double Bass, Viola and Piano
10.700,00€ 51.22 X 38.22 inch - BUY
12.840,00€ 57.52 X 44.92 inch - BUY
Gran Café Gijón
11.770,00€ 57.52 X 44.92 inch - BUY
Quartet for Johannes Brahms
10.700,00€ 51.22 X 38.22 inch - BUY
Saxo Tenor
4.815,00€ 39.4 X 31.91 inch - BUY
Lady in red
8.025,00€ 51.22 X 38.22 inch - BUY
Study with Nudes
12.840,00€ 51.22 X 63.83 inch - BUY
Unexpected Incident
9.095,00€ 57.52 X 44.92 inch - BUY
Serie Personajes AM-111
160,50€ 14.97 X 22.06 inch - BUY
Serie Personajes AM-110
160,50€ 22.06 X 14.97 inch - BUY
Smoking the Last Cigar
7.490,00€ 31.91 X 39.4 inch - BUY
Serie Personajes AM-103
160,50€ 22.06 X 14.97 inch - BUY
Faces With Hats
13.910,00€ 51.22 X 63.83 inch - BUY
7.490,00€ 19.7 X 31.91 inch - BUY
Shanghai Express
11.770,00€ 44.92 X 35.07 inch - BUY
One for all
9.095,00€ 39.4 X 31.91 inch - BUY
Trinity At the Feast
5.564,00€ 39.4 X 31.91 inch - BUY
Christmas disappointment
2.675,00€ 39.4 X 31.91 inch - BUY
1.498,00€ 23.64 X 19.7 inch - BUY
909,50€ 20.88 X 20.88 inch - BUY
909,50€ 20.88 X 20.88 inch - BUY
Chill Out
3.210,00€ 47.28 X 23.64 inch - BUY
Random Dancer
6.420,00€ 59.1 X 39.4 inch - BUY
Mujer de rojo 361
3.745,00€ 39.4 X 27.58 inch - BUY
Gato queriendo ser mujer
3.745,00€ 35.46 X 27.58 inch - BUY
O baile
3.959,00€ 35.46 X 35.46 inch - BUY
De Moldes
963,00€ 21.67 X 16.15 inch - BUY
El juego
1.819,00€ 23.64 X 27.58 inch - BUY
el abrazo
1.391,00€ 47.28 X 39.4 inch - BUY
Tinta Roja
963,00€ 19.7 X 13.79 inch - BUY
Las Irene avanzan
1.284,00€ 12.21 X 22.46 inch - BUY
749,00€ 16.15 X 11.82 inch - BUY
963,00€ 19.7 X 13.79 inch - BUY
Nido de Sueños
214,00€ 11.82 X 8.27 inch - BUY
Jardín Nocturno 1
214,00€ 8.27 X 11.82 inch - BUY
VII de la serie Náufragos
2.140,00€ 27.58 X 19.7 inch - BUY
VII de la serie Retazos
2.675,00€ 39.4 X 27.58 inch - BUY
VI de la serie Retazos
2.140,00€ 19.7 X 27.58 inch - BUY
V de la serie Retazos
802,50€ 11.82 X 16.55 inch - BUY
Poetics of Departure
3.210,00€ 39.4 X 47.28 inch - BUY
La Presencia de tu Ausencia
2.996,00€ 47.28 X 39.4 inch - BUY
Colour bodies VIII
2.996,00€ 43.34 X 27.58 inch - BUY
One metre off the ground
3.424,00€ 47.28 X 47.28 inch - BUY
Las Sufrientes I
3.049,50€ 39.4 X 39.4 inch - BUY
Water Dreams
749,00€ 16.55 X 20.49 inch - BUY
Las Sufrientes II
3.049,50€ 39.4 X 39.4 inch - BUY
267,50€ 13.79 X 9.85 inch - BUY
Shared Loneliness
4.119,50€ 47.28 X 59.1 inch - BUY
Tu cuerpo mirando la luna
267,50€ 13.79 X 9.85 inch - BUY
Mixtura de Cuerpos VI
267,50€ 9.85 X 13.79 inch - BUY
Pasión y descanso I
267,50€ 13 X 9.85 inch - BUY
4.922,00€ 47.28 X 59.1 inch - BUY
267,50€ 11.43 X 7.88 inch - BUY
Mixtura de Cuerpos XVI
321,00€ 9.85 X 13.79 inch - BUY
Tú detrás de tus manos
267,50€ 11.43 X 7.88 inch - BUY
Allí donde habitamos
4.066,00€ 39.4 X 47.28 inch - BUY
Ella M II
267,50€ 11.43 X 15.37 inch - BUY
Cuerpos Color V
2.996,00€ 43.34 X 35.46 inch - BUY
Siesta en el campo
5.885,00€ 59.1 X 70.92 inch - BUY
Funeral del mundo conocido
5.350,00€ 47.28 X 59.1 inch - BUY
Jardín Nocturno 2
214,00€ 8.27 X 11.82 inch - BUY
IX de la serie Náufragos
1.605,00€ 11.43 X 24.82 inch - BUY
IV de la serie Retazos
2.140,00€ 27.58 X 19.7 inch - BUY
VI de la serie Náufragos
2.140,00€ 27.58 X 19.7 inch - BUY
El Silencio Conecta
1.926,00€ 39.4 X 27.58 inch - BUY
El silencio Conecta
1.605,00€ 29.94 X 22.06 inch - BUY
El Silencio Conecta
1.391,00€ 29.94 X 22.06 inch - BUY
Lobo está?
642,00€ 15.76 X 11.82 inch - BUY
Monstruo protector
642,00€ 15.76 X 11.82 inch - BUY
La siesta
588,50€ 11.82 X 7.88 inch - BUY
La genio de la lámpara
6.420,00€ 47.28 X 59.1 inch - BUY
Mis otros yo
1.926,00€ 19.7 X 35.46 inch - BUY
963,00€ 19.7 X 13.79 inch - BUY
Desde el alma
963,00€ 21.67 X 16.15 inch - BUY
Alma Transparente
535,00€ 23.64 X 15.76 inch - BUY
Viendo pasar la vida
2.782,00€ 23.64 X 15.76 inch - BUY
2.354,00€ 31.52 X 31.52 inch