
Cecilia Escandon

Photography is an art form and means of expression that uses the capture of images through light to create visual representations of reality. It involves the use of a camera or photographic device to take photographs, which are still or moving images that capture a moment in time.
Teguise – Lanzarote – Las Palmas

Photography can serve a variety of purposes, such as documenting events, portraying people, places or objects, conveying emotions, telling stories or exploring artistic concepts. Photographers use a combination of technical skills, creativity and personal vision to compose and capture images in a meaningful way.

The evolution of technology has allowed photography to become more accessible and versatile. Today, most people have cameras on their mobile devices, which has fuelled the phenomenon of mobile photography and the sharing of images through online platforms and social media.

There are different genres and styles of photography, including portraits, landscapes, street photography, nature photography, documentary photography, fashion photography, artistic photography, among others. Each of these genres has its own particular techniques and approaches to capture and convey the desired message.

Editing and post-production also play an important role in today’s photography. Photographers can use editing software to adjust colour, exposure, contrast and other technical aspects of the image, as well as to add creative effects and manipulate the composition of the photograph.

Photography has not only become a popular form of artistic expression, but also plays an important role in journalism, advertising, science, fashion and many other fields. Photographic images have the power to convey information, evoke emotions, create awareness and capture the beauty and diversity of the world around us.

In short, photography is a visual medium that uses image capture to represent reality. It is a form of art and expression that involves technical skills, creativity and personal vision. Through photography, photographers can document, explore, communicate and share their unique perspective of the world.

Teguise – Lanzarote – Las Palmas

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