Yolanda Mediavilla

Yolanda Mediavilla AME (alma, cuerpo, espíritu) tejido
Yolanda Mediavilla

Yolanda mediavilla Capilla’s work is created from the soul, from her conscience on earth, from her unconditional love for the offerings she is giving us, For this reason, the use of natural materials to make them, which nourish his works, go through the fruits of the sea such as “nacre” and “pearls”, to the treasures of the earth in their different forms such as semi-precious minerals (“lapis lazuli “,” Quartz (green, white, transparent) “,” Nile blue “, vesuvius violet”, “Jade”, “jasper”, “terracotta”, “volcanic lava”, “gypsum” … and their different supports (fabrics, canvases, paper, glass, wood …) Thus creating, with this combination of materials, a vibrational work that interacts with the viewer. The primacy of white and the natural tones of the minerals illuminate the creations, thus inviting from purity and acceptance to a shared journey without fear. It is a peaceful return to our loving essence, a gesture to change the course of this wounded Era. The works are a continuity of the whole, without beginning or end, that is why their lines are not defined in a framework of completion and framing … leaving space for the internal connection with all existing worlds and universes. The stroke comes from within the soul, naked, sweet, that like an overture introduces us to circular life, where the flow of existence is a slow, wise, humble, courageous and subtle transmutation. The works are an invitation to self-knowledge, to a deep personal journey, to the embrace of the shadow and reconciliation with oblivion. A sensible acceptance for a real exit from the chrysalis.

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