Susana Pannullo

Susana Pannullo, an Argentinean with indigenous and Italian roots, was born in Buenos Aires but currently lives in Madrid. She studied at the National School of Fine Arts in Argentina, at the Sívori Museum of Buenos Aires and at Morón University, Buenos Aires. Her work has been exhibited at various art fairs and exhibitions in Buenos Aires, Madrid, Barcelona, London, Mexico and the US. Her work is spiritual in its context but it is also literature, music, a flowing river that progresses from the deepest parts of her soul, purposely opening up a path in the middle of a world devoid of artistic interests.
The symbolism of colours, which is central to the path of life, is shown in all her dreamlike paintings, emphasising, in their material designs, chaotic passions locked into a bold and uncontrolled struggle for life that is, at the same time, a struggle in search of order. This uncontrollable energy races onward, never halting, passion is red, black represents difficulty, white, the yearning for silence!!!, infinite peace, greys, the step before light!!! Everything speaks of the daily future, of her continual search. In short what she’s looking for is expressed through her art. As Oscar Wilde said “Expression is the only mode under which an artist can conceive life at all”.
Showing all 17 results
Intitulado. Serie 19-2
1.284,00€ 31.52 X 31.52 inch - BUY
Intitulado Serie Azul N-14
963,00€ 31.52 X 31.52 inch - BUY
Intitulado Serie Azul N-13
963,00€ 31.52 X 31.52 inch - BUY
Intitulado. Serie 19-1
1.284,00€ 28.76 X 46.49 inch - BUY
642,00€ 19,69 x 23,62 inch - BUY
20- Blue
642,00€ 19.7 X 23.64 inch - BUY
Untitled Serie Azul N-11
963,00€ 27,56 x 27,56 inch - BUY
58-Abstract Series
128,40€ 28x38 cm - BUY
56-Abstract Series
128,40€ 28 x 38 cm - BUY
Serie Azul 12
963,00€ 27.58 X 27.58 inch - BUY
54-Abstract Series
128,40€ 28x38 cm - BUY
53-Abstract Series
128,40€ 28 x 38 cm - BUY
52-Abstract Series
128,40€ 28 x 38 cm - BUY
51-Abstract Series
160,50€ 28 x 38 cm - BUY
50-Abstract Series
160,50€ 28 x 38 cm - BUY
Intitulado. Serie-03
963,00€ 31.91 X 45.7 inch - BUY
Intitulado. Serie-02
963,00€ 31.91 X 45.7 inch