Lucia Calabrino

Lucia Calabrino

I was born in Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina, where I studied Fine Arts. I have been living in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires for 30 years, where I graduated with a degree in Advertising from the National University of Lomas de Zamora. I have had collective and individual exhibitions since 1982 in Argentina and abroad. A characteristic of my life as an artist is curiosity. I investigated various experimental techniques: asphalt painting, cyanotype, embroidery on paper, biomaterials, glass, experimental photography techniques, textiles, artist’s book, inks and watercolours. Today I rely on all of them, combining them or not, depending on the meaning of the work. I worked with colour for many years, I felt comfortable with it and got good results. Until I decided it was time for new challenges: I decided to work with achromatics (asphalt paint) and face figuration through the female body. This is how Mirada de Mujer was born, the project I have been working on for 12 years. The essence of the project: through the use of glazes I try to make the female being visible. Transparencies have always played a leading role in my work, with all the techniques that have passed through my hands: to investigate transparency and make it visible, to show what was there but was not visible. Although Mirada de Mujer began as a search for visibility of the feminine being, today I see that I am talking about my own visibility. The work became autobiographical, that’s why the glazes always reappear, no matter what technique I use, they are the way in which I discover myself.

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