Katya Di Matteo

A plastic artist based on the island of El Hierro, she creates from marine and industrial waste. Her deep knowledge of sculpture leads her to transcend the plane through the assembly of elements that bring volume to the works, using unconventional formats, thereby also exploring her interest in matter and colour. She holds a degree in Fine Arts from the Miguel Hernandez University of Elche.
Showing all 13 results
Caballo enraizado
246,10€ 24.82 X 11.43 inch - BUY
Mirando para arriba
139,10€ 9.85 X 12.61 inch - BUY
Pequeño pez tunero
117,70€ 9.46 X 3.55 inch - BUY
Pez volador atravesado II
139,10€ 13.79 X 5.12 inch - BUY
Pez largoooooo
64,20€ 4.73 X 18.52 inch - BUY
Cardumen II
261,08€ 27.58 X 12.21 inch - BUY
Calamar Verrugoso
117,70€ 3.94 X 6.7 inch - BUY
160,50€ 11.82 X 9.46 inch - BUY
Costa con tuno.
85,60€ 8.27 X 6.3 inch - BUY
Dos siguiendo la luna
139,10€ 9.06 X 4.73 inch - Read more
Peces varios II
235,40€ 12.61 X 20.49 inch - Read more
Pez con tunos
64,20€ 5.52 X 9.06 inch - BUY
Costa con tuno III
107,00€ 11.82 X 8.27 inch