Juan Cossio

Having shown an early vocation for drawing as well as a great sensitivity for painting, Juan Cossío studied Fine Arts at the Complutense University of Madrid. Actively involved in the fertile cultural panorama of the 80’s in Spain, Juan Cossío developed an incessant search for experimentation that led him to the limits of pictorial techniques, introducing him to what has come to be known as “New Realism”. Relying on photography as a tool for recording reality and the airbrush as the most suitable working tool for his purposes, Juan Cossío’s work evolves in his constant curiosity to use any means, be it technical or stylistic, to help him express his contemporary aesthetics, the main protagonist of which is the female figure.
Showing all 12 results
Girl with Pomegranate.
588,50€ 38.22 X 29.94 inch - BUY
588,50€ 38.22 X 29.94 inch - BUY
588,50€ 38.22 X 29.94 inch - BUY
Variaciones I
963,00€ 16.55 X 23.25 inch - BUY
963,00€ 16.55 X 23.25 inch - BUY
On nature I
963,00€ 16.55 X 23.25 inch - BUY
Variaciones III
963,00€ 23.25 X 16.55 inch - BUY
Variaciones IV
963,00€ 23.25 X 16.55 inch - BUY
1.016,50€ 23.64 X 33.1 inch - BUY
On nature II
1.016,50€ 33.1 X 23.64 inch - BUY
963,00€ 23.64 X 33.1 inch - BUY
1.016,50€ 19.7 X 27.58 inch