Ana Lorena Nuñez

My work is a journey through contact with different experiences, conflicts, parallels and relationships that are part of every human being, especially women. The situations that leave a mark, and the mystery of them, how they are filed individually or as a set of memories that are locked inside, the way of expressing them and the way they are reflected when different situations arise during the day to day. It is like the awakening of the individual in its essence, showing each of its different facets, from the most sublime feelings, to the darkest side or the sensitive side that is not revealed to the naked eye. In my work I use the same model. With this I intend to keep a record of the evolution of my character over time. How she is discovering and changing in each phase and having different challenges related to each of these stages. I construct figurative and conceptual images through photographs, drawings, objects and collages, isolated pieces, which when fused together form a whole, showing the essence of what I want to express. For me it is extremely important to renew my work through constant experimentation, using different materials including canvas, metal, wood and plexiglass. I am a self-taught Guatemalan artist. Learning and my work are my passion.
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